Creative, Compassionate Courses

For Movement Professionals 

Professional Development:

Pilates Comprehensive Clinic

Work comprehensively through the FULL POTENTIAL of the Pilates Studio. Through over 30 studio sessions that integrate the Reformer, Chair, Cadillac and Toys, you’ll learn how to design classes/sessions that are meaningful, effective and relevant for both you AND your clients!

Cost: $499

Build Your Specialty Program

This comprehensive experience will take your great idea straight through to the blueprint for development, marketing, and sales - addressing each objection that comes up along the way. 

Next Course opens in November, 2023.

Movement Clinics:

Jump board Clinic

Build your jump board practice from the foundation UP! In this 6 week series, we’ll work technique and mechanics for a jump board practice that moves beyond fun and towards stronger bio-mechanical coordination!

Cost: $99

Teacher’s Cadillac Clinic

Explore the Cadillac and tower repertoire through weekly classes that move you through innovative sequences & movements For YOU (that you can also “borrow” for your clients.)


Jump board Clinic

Build your jump board practice from the foundation UP! In this 6 week series, we’ll work technique and mechanics for a jump board practice that moves beyond fun and towards stronger bio-mechanical coordination!

Cost: $99

Teacher’s Cadillac Clinic

Explore the Cadillac and tower repertoire through weekly classes that move you through innovative sequences & movements For YOU (that you can also “borrow” for your clients.)


Teacher’s Chair + Toys Clinic

Work the chair syllabus with balls, bands, small weights, towels and also the foot corrector and toe gizmo! PS - if you don't have the foot corrector or toe gizmo, be sure to have a ball and some rubber bands handy!

Cost: $99

Animated Spine Clinic

It’s time to breathe new life into your mobility practices.  In this series, we’ll work with the Spine Corrector, Ladder Barrel, Foam Roller and DUET™️ Roller Accessory System to experience sequences, progressions and explorations of spinal mobility and articulation.  You’re back (and your front) are going to feel the best they’ve ever felt after this program.
