Protect The Powerhouse (Of The Cell)
Have you ever thought about how you're supporting the "powerhouses" of your cells? I'm betting you don't think about your mitochondria that much, if at all, because ideally, we shouldn't have to.
Lessons From Infertility, Labor, C-Section Delivery & Personal Growth
Last week, I took my son to get an X-ray on his growth plate. In November 2020, during the week I got Covid, my husband was hit by a car AND my son broke his arm. Let's just say that it wasn't the best week ever for the Zaffino's!
When Change Happens
Change is challenging.
Going from a comfortable current state to something new and different causes discomfort in social structures, established habits, working norms, and even our psychological safety.
Lost & Found In 2020
This post was originally published in January 2021 and I wanted to memorialize it on the blog. If you’re feeling lost or found, this one is for you!
LOST - Sense of feeling safe in my own body.
When You’re The Grumpiest
You know I'd never lie to you, right? So here's the truth. I have been THE GRUMPIEST THIS WEEK! I'm even irritating myself. I feel like just as I've gotten into a rhythm, life is changing AGAIN and I'm feeling a little tapped in the energetic reserves - you know what I mean?
Exercise For Mood Support
I never expected rebounding to be included in my mental health toolbox, yet here we are! Since beginning my bounce journey, I’ve been floored by the amount of science that exists supporting the mood-boosting benefits of exercise - especially rebounding…
The Power Of Walking Away
I want to share a story today that might help you walk away from something that's not working for you.
Waiter, there are tears in my ranch dressing…
Everyone seems to be talking about being their authentic self/speaking with their authentic voice these days. And yeah - that all sounds G-R-E-A-T!!
Share Some Digital Love! ♥️
Click the link below to complete any of the assigned tasks on social media & Each task earns you an additional entry to win lifetime access to a JZ Studio Clinic Library of your choice
How A Dishwasher Delivery Man Changed My Teaching Forever.
Take your minds out of the gutter, friends - it's not THAT kind of story 😏 .
I've fallen in love with step aerobics again. There. I said it.
I even got certified to teach it - but I'm not ready yet, still working on my callouts if-you-know-what-I-mean... BUT -
Could expectations be the catalyst for encouragement?
Ok, we're two weeks into a new year and if you read my last few emails, you know that it's been a bumpy start. (Updates below!) After any time of uncertainty, there comes a craving for monotony - boredom even. No news is good news, isn't that the saying? Well, almost.
The Grasshopper Ate My Burrito Bowl…
I haven't been completely honest with all of you. This is partially because I needed to stay private for a while and also because I was scared. You see, for the past 16 months, I've been rolling with issues surrounding my breast health.
5 Pilates Phrases I Hate (and so should you)
The word core moved from being an identifier for a set of values, beliefs and home of apple seeds to one of sculpty, tone-y, functional-ish spot-training-movement-programming.