When You’re The Grumpiest
You know I'd never lie to you, right? So here's the truth. I have been THE GRUMPIEST THIS WEEK! I'm even irritating myself. I feel like just as I've gotten into a rhythm, life is changing AGAIN and I'm feeling a little tapped in the energetic reserves - you know what I mean? The transition to summer and all that has come over the last 16 months has my spirit panting like a dog on a hot summer's day. BUT - my work as a health coach & mentor has equipped me with the tools to sound an alarm this week. "Girlfriend - (That's how I speak to myself) you are on the fast track to burnout!!
The voice is right but the reasons are more emotional than busy-based. So many transitions in such a short time - it's no wonder I'm grumpy. And I'm willing to bet that you might be feeling the same way.
Today, as I finished filming my JZ Studio Classes, I took some time to roll on the floor and recalibrate. Through a series of movements, I found myself laying on my back, arms reaching up. In a moment, I was transported at lightning speed back to the memory of the first time my son ever reached for me.
We had just finished "swim" class and he was around 3 - 4 months old. I laid him down on the towel while I changed out of a swimsuit that was stuck to a body that I had no idea what to do with. I remember feeling a little down about myself as well as completely exhausted. And then his smile caught my eye. He was looking straight at me, smiling, with arms outstretched. I didn't notice right away but then it hit me - his arms were reaching for ME! This was new! A MILESTONE! I scooped him up and dissolved any critical thoughts about my body from my head. There was only bliss and wonder at this beautiful transition he had made - from newborn to full-fledged infant!
As I thought about this memory and continued to roll around, it occurred to me that when children make transitions through their developmental stages, we call them milestones. Yet as adults transition, we often refer to them as challenges. Interesting, huh? I bet you know where I'm going with this.... It's Time For A Reframe!!!
Our assignment - both you AND ME - this week is to list out the challenges we've worked through and see if we can reframe them into milestones. I'd love to hear how this works for you in the JZ Community or in the comments.