Could expectations be the catalyst for encouragement?
Ok, we're two weeks into a new year and if you read my last few emails, you know that it's been a bumpy start. (Updates below!) After any time of uncertainty, there comes a craving for monotony - boredom even. No news is good news, isn't that the saying? Well, almost.
While it's true that expectations can be the thief of joy, when used as support, they can actually help us through challenging times. I'm not talking about manifesting by the moonlight, rather, it's more of an act affirming the potential of the direction we're moving towards. Here's an example:
In a study conducted with second graders, students were tasked with listening to statements from their teachers prior to taking a math test. The teachers shared one of three types of statements with each student that carried a theme of expectation, persuasion, or reinforcement.
The expectation statements went something like, "You know your math really well!" or "You work really hard at your math."
Persuasion statements involved sentences like, "You should be good at math." or "You should be getting better math grades."
Finally, for the reinforcement statements, teachers said things like, "I'm really happy about your progress" or "This is excellent work!"
What do you think the results were?
The scores were the highest with the studentw who received statements in the "expectation" category! Why were the expectation statements the most effective? They created personal assumptions within each student that conditioned the actual external results. In this case, I think the encouragement was the key. And we all need a little encouragement!
Again - this isn't about "expectation-ing" your troubles away, or even toxic positivity, rather, it's affirming the direction you're moving towards, with a little encouragement - even in the midst of a challenge. Sometimes, a small affirmation can sustain you long enough to find your next step or even your next breath.
This week, I'm working on the statement "I'm building something valuable." In consideration of my classes in JZ Studio, the start of the Pilates Comprehensive Clinc, the JZ Mvt Pro Community, and even my YouTube Channel we're carving out a small space in the world that places life meaning and satisfaction higher on the priority list than toning and sculpting.
If you're (still 😏 ) reading this, you're part of this community. We're working on our well-being collectively, but on a personal level that addresses our individual needs. And when I remember the value of these relationships and endeavors, I feel a little less fearful of any future news I may receive.
So let me ask you a question about all this…
Are there any areas in your life this week where an "expectation statement" could be supportive? Any areas where you need a little boost or the space to coast for a few days while you recharge?
Let this be your call to action & know that we all need encouragement at times - admitting it can be the difference between survival and suffering. Don't be afraid to encourage yourself this week.
Much Love,
PS. Keep reading for updates to my last post!
1.The family member that you've helped me send good energy to has emerged from a medically induced coma and is beginning her recovery. All my thanks to the many who took the time to light a candle and send healing energy.
2. My scans came back benign and I'll most likely be on a journey of frequent testing for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your messages!
3. We started the Pilates Comprehensive Clinic this week. It's been amazing to work with a group of teachers who are working joyfully to claim ownership over their own unique philosophy of teaching. In this program, we're building individualized processes that support how we approach the work from a whole human perspective. This is a program that will absolutely run again...and evolve!
4. The JZ Movement Library received 3 new classes this week - it's good to be back in the groove!
5. We're inviting new members into the YouTube Bounce community each week! Averaging 100 new subscribers/month and 2 live streamed classes per week, it's a great time to build community!
6. New JZ Unfiltered Episodes start up again next week - with guests!