The Day Everything Changed

One afternoon, 10 years ago, I experienced something that would forever change how I look at my physical body as well as the body of my work. 

Here's what happened …

I was at my mother's house looking at some old pictures when I came across a picture of me at the Stone Zoo at age 3, looking at down into the hippo enclosure.  To the right of my small shape was a sign that said in bright, 70's font letters: "Do Not Feed."  The angle of the picture made it look like the sign was directed towards my small, 3 yr old form.  

As I took in the scene I felt a lump grow in my throat and an "ah-ha" emerge from my mind.  The picture served as a powerful metaphor for the restriction I had imparted on my body and also my mind as I had grown older. I was a well-fed, imaginative and engaged child, but throughout adolescence and adulthood, I had learned to master the art of staying inside of the lines and controlling every little piece of my world.  I was tired, under-stimulated, and HUNGRY! 

I felt like I had been slapped across the face with a reality check.   It was time to paint a big red ❌ over the words "Do Not" and start feeding my whole self again. But it would take some time to build up the trust that it would be ok to eat for enjoyment in addition to sustenance, and let my colorful mind be seen through my classes and sessions, even if it didn't look like "they" said it should.  

Long story short, it would take putting more trust in myself and my abilities than I did in my fear of "their" critique of them.  "They" in this case, was a trifecta of toxic dance, diet and fitness culture. 

Most importantly, though, is the fact that the process I began that day - of unlearning and self-trust - led me to understand that "feeding" my brain, body, and being would help me to more effectively serve others through my work. 

So many food metaphors...suddenly I feel hungry! 🀀 

I won't lie β€” self-trust is an ongoing process.  It takes both vigilence and surrender.  But the benefits of being in partnership with yourself far outweigh the pain of restricting your wholeness as a human. 

What's REALLY made this special has been taking what I've learned and sharing it with others

... and helping countless humans build trust in their intuition as well as their self-expression 

... and I'm talking about everyone from movement teachers to my rebounding fanatics! 

Success and happiness in life is more than an "after" picture.  It's more than a viral video or loyalty to a guru.   It's about how you claim responsibility for what you've learned and become a steward for those lessons to be shared with others in the hope of inspiring their process.   I firmly believe that.

And that's why I continue to spread the word, rail against the misinformation that assaults us every day, and offer as much help as I can for those who follow the simple path to well-being and professional fulfillment through the programs and offerings on my website. 

The JZ Studio Movement Library is for those searching for movement experiences that FEED their body and stimulate their mind.  It exists to help you build meaning in each movement endeavor you do and create cravings for more of what makes you feel full - both in and outside of the studio. 

The JZ Movement Pro Community is for teachers who desire to build trust in their teaching, longevity in their business & meaning in their life. 

Both work because they aren't based on trends, but instead, simple, meaningful fundamentals that will never stop working. 

I know it's hard to think about trying something new, especially if you've had a less-than-stellar experience with online movement classes or professional communities. 

... or maybe you have tried some of these things but they haven't worked out like you'd hoped. 

We're not here to do it like you've done it before. 

We're here to draw big red ❌'s across the areas that make us feel small and instead, feed ourselves to ensure that the space we take up in this world is supported by the GOOD stuff. 

Click HERE and register for a JZ Studio Movement Library Card today. 

Check out the Community and fill out an application to start the year with us HERE. 

And let's make meaningful moves in 2023 together!

​With Much Love (& Nourishment For Brain, Body & Being,) 



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